Friday, April 27, 2012
Longtime underground Swedish crew Martyrdöd help deepen Southern Lord's focus on metal-inflected crust with their first album for the label, Paranoia,
out May 22. The collection was recorded by famed melodic death metal
producer/Dream Evil guitarist Fredrik Nordström, who's worked with At
the Gates, Arch Enemy, In Flames, Opeth, Dimmur Borgir, the Haunted, and
tons of other bands who, in general, don't sound as in-the-gutter
filthy as these guys. The blackened crustcore group, featuring folks
associated with Skitsystem, Agrimonia, and Miasmal, are part of Southern L0rd's summer package tour with Acephalix, Black Breath, and Burning Love. Check out Paranoia's lead track "Köllberg" to get an idea of what they'll be doing out there.