Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Totally free download of this much anticipated compilation bringing together the most diverse collection of international punk bands of all genres! Released by Klinik 66, located in Indonesia, this is a non-profit compilation for the global scene.
This compilation includes my band Liberty Deceit, and Atomic Pollution helped bring the production together. Hope you enjoy it!

Liberty Deceit /Atomic Pollution Split! (2014)

Liberty Deceit / Atomic Pollution -Split!
Download Here! 


Atomic Pollution Discograbfree, and Split w/ Invalid!

Atomic Pollution- Discography- Discograbfree! http://www.mediafire.com/download/pvbbul5q3lrebco/Atomic+Pollution_discograbfree_mp3_320kbps.zip

Atomic Pollution / Invalid Brain Split! http://www.mediafire.com/download/a0gq7vx5c3ax9ui/Invalid+Brain+-+Atomic+Pollution+split+%282015%29.zip

Abominations All Over E.P

You can get the free download for Abominations All Over self titled EP Here!  Released in 2014

Monday, March 2, 2015

Opened a new art shop on ETSY - Hyper Dream Arts

Hi guys,
I know it has been a long time since I've updated this site, but I have been working hard on creating some art to make a small profit. Please check out my shop on etsy, and if you are interested in buying any of my art, please let me know! It is important to support the punk community in all aspects of life. If you have any art you would like to show me, I'd love to see it!!
Peace & Respect,
Click link below ~